Although this article is only Baker's opinion regarding the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, his argument is not groundless. He provides plenty of statistical evidence correlating the demographic of Trump's voters with their reliance on the current health care act. While the basis of his argument is strong, his analysis is surface level. Multiple times Baker explicitly states that the Republican party is purposely attacking its own voters without addressing, proposing, or analyzing a reason why the white working class voted for Trump in the first place. To take his argument a step further, Baker could have discussed the epidemic of uninformed voters or analyzed the ways candidates can deceive voters.
Baker's intended audience was likely Trump voters in general, as his argument implies that he wants them to realize that many of them aren't benefitting from Trump's policy, not limited to health care. However, given that this piece was posted on a left-wing blog, this article could be directed toward Democrats as well in order to paint Congress and President Trump in a bad light.
Baker is extremely well qualified to write a piece regarding the topic. According to his bio, Baker is an acclaimed economist and has been the co-director of the Center for Economic Policy Research since 1979. It is likely that his knowledge of economics and political policy helped him make the connection between the white working class and their dependence on Medicaid.
Overall, Baker's article is extremely insightful and shows a side of Trump voters that aren't often exposed in left or right-wing media. Additionally, it humanizes these voters and shows how their own candidate can leave a negative impact on their lives. While it lacks deeper analysis, it leaves room for the reader to investigate and form their own opinions on the reasons these voters were so blind to the consequences of electing Trump for president.
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